Having trouble getting focused with homework? Here are 10 simple homework tips for high school students to make life much easier!
Hopefully after reading this, you’ll find a more enjoyable way to do homework while also being focused and efficient.
Let’s get started…
Prioritize Your Classes
Write down your homework everyday at school as it’s being assigned in some sort of agenda, planner, or notebook.
At the end of every day, list your homework assignments in order of how you’re going to do them. I recommend starting with the harder assignments first and finishing off with the easier ones.
Be sure to keep in mind what homework will need more time than others. If you have a project, essay, or long studying to do, start with that first.
This is going to give you the basics of how to organize your homework after school and what to prioritize.
Blue Pen, White Paper
Writing with a blue pen on white paper is the easiest way to remember your writing. It is scientifically proven to help retain information more efficiently than any other writing combo.
This is literally hacking your brain to memorize things easier. It is one of the best homework tips for high school students to use.
Try using this trick during your actual classes in school. That way when you study, you’ll already have your notes written in the best format.
Using other memory tools such as bullets, numbers, drawings, and highlights are also efficient ways to make studying a breeze.
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Take Breaks Often
There is a technique in efficiency known as the Pomodoro Technique. Here is the basic formula for how it works:
- Work for 25 minutes
- Take a 5 minute break
- Repeat 4 times
- After the 4th cycle, take a longer 30 minute break
This is the best studying technique in the world for not only retaining information, but also no burning out while working on any task.
It will come in handy when you have long hours of homework that may seem impossible for your attention span.
There are actually Pomodoro timers out there online that you can use to remind you when it’s time to take a break.
Get Rid of Distractions
This one is obvious, but crucial!
Clear your desk, turn off your phone, avoid social media on your computer, and even clean your room.
A decluttered environment is a decluttered head. You will be able to focus much harder on the task at hand when there aren’t a bunch of distractions in your face.
You should also allow as much light to enter your room as possible. Open blinds, turn on lamps, and turn up your computer’s brightness (if you do homework on it).
More light in a workspace is proven to improve focus and efficiency.
Start Right When You Get Home
Getting in the habit of starting your homework right when you get home as a high school student is going to save you a lot of procrastination.
When you get home, eat something and then prepare yourself homework. Getting it done early will also give you unlimited free time until you go to sleep.
Taking your break first and then doing homework can cause anxiety from the fact that you don’t know how much time you have left to complete your assignments.
Do yourself a favor and avoid that anxiety. It feels much more rewarding to finish your homework and have the rest of your day to do whatever you want.
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Finish Homework During School
This might be one of the best homework tips for high school students who don’t do much during lunch breaks.
This will save you so much time when you get home. I have literally finished over half of my homework before I even stepped foot in my house most days.
Utilize your breaks in between classes to work on smaller assignments that can be done without much focus.
Doing this homework in a group of friends that share the same classes will also help you get the homework done faster. Win-win!
Do Homework with Friends
When you get home, hop on a FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom call and do homework with friends.
This will benefit you in 2 main ways. One, you can share answers, insight, and make the work go by faster. Second, it’s simply way more fun!
You can essentially split the workload depending on the type of homework. You’ll also learn from each other, create closer bonds, and quiz each other for upcoming tests.
There are clearly many benefits to working in a group that most high school students miss out on. Even 1 friend can save you a ton of time and effort.
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Utilize Outside Sources
Homework doesn’t only have to be done with your class textbooks and notes from school.
Utilize certain outside sources such as Youtube, Khan Academy, and Slader.
Slader is one the greatest homework apps of all time, especially for math. It provides step by step solutions to all of your textbook’s questions.
They have so many subjects on their app! Here are a few:
- Math
- Science
- History
- Literature
- Foreign Language
If your homework is done directly from textbook questions, chances are that Slader has the answers for you already. Look up your book name or ISBN number and find solutions to everything you need.
Same thing goes with Youtube, Khan Academy, and other online sources. This generation has more access to information than any other generation ever. Take advantage of it!
Work on a Full Stomach
Starting homework on a full stomach eliminates the need to get up from necessity.
Our brain naturally starts to focus on our hunger, thirst, or going to the bathroom if it exceeds the need of the task you’re currently doing.
When you’re doing homework, take breaks, but take them voluntarily. You won’t be able to focus one bit if your mind is on other things.
Get home, eat a nice meal, drink water, go to the bathroom, and start doing your homework. A full stomach from a good meal will also help your brain work better.
You’ve probably been told to eat a good breakfast before a test day to be “smarter”. The same thing applies to doing your homework.
Pro tip: Dark chocolate is proven to regain your focus on the task at hand. If you start getting distracted easily for no reason… have a treat.
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Listen to Music without Lyrics
I highly recommend listening to music while you work. However, listening to music with lyrics is a bad idea.
Find a no lyric playlist on any Music platform such as Spotify, Soundcloud, or even Youtube. Youtube has a constant live stream called “lofi hip hop radio” that has no lyrics and is excellent at helping you work.
Listening to music will not only help you focus, but it also makes homework more enjoyable. Without it, your mind will wander to different places.
Plus, music in your ears means less noise from the outside world. Everyone hates being distracted while doing homework by someone yelling outside your room.
Pop those headphones on and tunnel vision into your assignment!
Hopefully these were the best 10 homework tips for high school students you’ve ever heard. Try implementing them into your next homework session at home and in school.
They helped me so much during the last couple of years of high school. I wish for them to do the same for you!
Good luck this semester!
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions leave them down below. Thanks for reading!